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Amazon Product Page Content Scraper API



  • Amazon PDP info scraper crawls the specific product page data from Amazon.com. Users can cralw a specific Amazon PDP information using ASIN code and country domain. Country domain covers all Amazon marketplace domain worldwide, such as .de, .co.jp, etc. Scraped dataset has 10+ metrics related to the products.

  • For more details regarding API usage obligation & liability, please read Legal Terms of Service & Condition


  • Amazon PDP info scraper crawls the specific product page data from Amazon.com
  • Users can cralw a specific Amazon PDP information using ASIN code and country domain
  • Country domain covers all Amazon marketplace domain worldwide, such as .de, .co.jp, etc
  • Scraped dataset has 10+ metrics related to the products

API Endpoint Specifications

  • Endpoint Path: /api/1/amazonpdp
  • Type of Data: JSON & 20/minute
  • Data Source: Amazon
  • Request Limit: 500 request/month
  • Script & Integration: Code to integrate with cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, Typescript
Amazon Product Page Content Scraper API Endpoint Basic Info

API Endpoint Path


Amazon PDP content scraper API


Call Method



Type of Data Return


Output structured JSON data on Amazon PDP

Available API Arguments & Parameters



BUYFROMLO API token. Paid subscription API is available: /api/1/amazonpdp, and accessible to on-site APP on /app/1/amazonpdp as well



Input a keyword related to the product data to be scraped



Enter the country of marketplace. The default is amazon.com. The API is accessible to full lists of marketplace country that is availabe on Amazon

Amazon PDP content scraper API


Code Integration and Response

Python Code Sample

import requests

apiendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/1/amazonpdp?"

## Required Arguments & Parameters ##

token = ""your buyfromlo token""
keyword = ""Input a keyword""

## Optional ##
country = "select a Amazon marketpkace country domain. Default is amazon.com"

data="?keyword=" + keyword + "&country=" + country 
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}

## Call the api ##
response = requests.get(apiendpoint + data, headers=headers)

JSON Response Sample

    "Product Name": " " (string),
    "Brand Name": " " (string),
    "Brand Store Page": " " (string),
    "Product Full Description": " " (string),
    "product Brief Description": " " (string),
    "Product Pricing": " " (float),
    "Product Offer Pricing": " " (float),
    "Shipping Price": " " (float),
    "Availability": " " (string),
    "Product Category": " " (string),
    "Average Rating": " " (float),
    "Total Reviews": " " (integer),
    "Seller ID": " " (string),
    "Seller Name": " " (string),
    "FBA": " " (string),
    "Images URL": " " (string),
    "Featured Bullet Points": " " (string),

4.5 (Overall)

  • 5 stars - 38
  • 4 stars - 10
  • 3 stars - 3
  • 2 stars - 1
  • 1 star - 0

Latest Reviews


This API allows you to extract over 10+ metrics related to products, including pricing, reviews, ratings, descriptions, and more.

The API covers all Amazon marketplace domains worldwide, including those with country-specific domains like .de (Germany), .co.jp (Japan), and others.

You need to provide the product's ASIN code and the desired country domain (e.g., .com, .co.uk) in your API request.

The scraped data is provided in JSON format, which is easily parsable by various programming languages.

The API allows up to 500 requests per month.

The description doesn't mention free usage; you may need to check for pricing details.

The API offers integration with various languages like cURL, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, and Typescript.

The API has a rate limit of 20 requests per minute.

The data sourced by this API comes directly from Amazon.com product detail pages.

The Amazon PDP info scraper is designed to crawl and extract specific data points from Amazon product pages, aiding in tasks like price monitoring, competitor analysis, and product research.