Python Code Sample
import requests
apiendpoint = ""
## Required Arguments & Parameters ##
token = "your buyfromlo token"
purpose = "the object of the email, such as influencer recruitment, generate outbound leads, etc"
role = "a specific type of email sender, such as email marketing specialist, HR, influencer marketing expert, etc"
typ2 = "type of email purpose, such as influencer recruitment, affiliate recruitment, outbound leads, etc"
language = "the email content language"
receiver = "email receiver name"
sender = "email sender name"
brandname = "the entity name, such as brand, company"
characters = "length of the email"
contact = "the contact of sender"
website = "website address from the sender"
llmversion = "For paid users, select a LLM version. Current available options: openai, palm, Gemini, Llama, claude"
## optional arguments and parameters ##
context_materials="the context regarding the email campaign"
apiKey = "For free trial users, plug in the OpenAI api key"
headers={"Authoirzation": "Bearer " + token}
## Call the api ##
response =
"role": role, "typ2": typ2,
"language": language,
"sender": sender,
"brandname": brandname,
"characters": characters,
"contact": contact,
"website": website,
"llmversion": llmversion,
"contact": contact,
"website": website,
"llmversion": llmversion,
}, headers= headers