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Google Trend Data Generator API



  • Generate the keyword demand trend since 2004 till up-to-date. Users can generate the Google keyword trend using a keyword query. There are additional two endpoints in this API. One is for generating top rising keywords. The other is to generate the trending keyword by country.

  • For more details regarding API usage obligation & liability, please read Legal Terms of Service & Condition

API Practical Application Showcase 1

Google Trend Data Generator API

API Practical Application Showcase Case 2

Google Trend Data Generator API


  • Google Trend API generate the keyword demand trend since 2004 till up-to-date.
  • Users can generate the Google keyword trend using a keyword query.
  • There are additional two endpoints in this API.
  • One is for generating top rising keywords. The other is to generate the trending keyword by country.

API Endpoint Specifications

  • Endpoint Path: /api/1/googleTrendV2
  • Type of Data: JSON & 10/minute
  • Data Source: Google Trend
  • Request Limit: 500 request/month (Please note that this API has bundled with Google trend rising keyword & country volume generator)
  • Script & Integration: Code to integrate with cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, Typescript
Google Trend Data Generator API Endpoint Basic Info

API Endpoint Path


Google Trend Top & Rising Queries Generator API


Google Search Trend Data Generator API


Google Search Trend Data Country Ranking Generator API


Google Trend Top & Rising Topics Generator API


Call Method



Type of Data Return


Output structured JSON data on Google Top Search Queries, Google Search Trend, Google search trend data country ranking and Google trend top and rising topics

Available API Arguments & Parameters



BUYFROMLO API token. Free and subscription APIs are both available: /apis/google-trend, and accessible to on-site APP on /app/1/googletrend as well



Input a keyword in English

Google Trend Top & Rising Queries Generator API


Google Search Trend Data Generator API


Google Search Trend Data Country Ranking Generator API


Google Trend Top & Rising Topics Generator API


Code Integration and Response

Python Code Sample

import requests

trendendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/1/googleTrendV2?"
queriesendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/1/topqueries?"
geoEndpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/1/trendGEO?"
topicEndpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/1/trendTopic?"

def googleTrendAPI(apiendpoint):
    token = "your buyfromlo token"
    keyword = "target keyword"

    data="keyword=" +  keyword
    headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}

    ## Call the api ##
    response = requests.get(apiendpoint + data, headers=headers)
    return response.status_code, response.json()

JSON Response Sample

## Google Trend Volume ##
    "Query": " " (integer),,
    "apiport": " " (string),

## Google Top Queries ##
    "Keyword": " " (string),
    "Top Search": " " (string),
    "Top Search Value": " " (integer),
    "Rising Search": " " (string),
    "Rising Search Value": " " (integer),
    "apiport": " " (string),

## Google Keyword By GEO ##
    "Country": " " (string),
    "geoCode": " " (string),
    "query": " " (string),
    "apiport": " " (string),

## Google Trending Topic ##
    'Top Value Integer': " " (integer),
    'Top Value%': " " (string),
    'Google Trend Link': " " (string),
    'Topic Link Parameter': " " (string),
    'Topic Name': " " (string),
    'Topic Type': " " (string),
    'Query': " " (string),
    'apiport': " " (string)

4.5 (Overall)

  • 5 stars - 38
  • 4 stars - 10
  • 3 stars - 3
  • 2 stars - 1
  • 1 star - 0

Latest Reviews


The Google Trend Data Generator API is a tool that allows users to generate Google keyword trend data, top rising keyword and trending keyword by country.

The Google Trend Data Generator API provides keyword demand trend data since 2004, top rising keywords, and trending keywords by country.

The data source for the Google Trend Data Generator API is Google Trends.

The request limit for the Google Trend Data Generator API is 500 requests per month.

The Google Trend Data Generator API supports cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, and Typescript.

You can access the Google Trend Data Generator API through the BUYFROMLO API token, which is available for both free and subscription APIs.

You can find more information about the Google Trend Data Generator API in the BUYFROMLO documentation.

Yes, the limit is 5 keywords per request.

The data is updated every 10 minutes.

Yes, you can use the API to generate data for any country that Google Trends supports.