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AI Content Translator API

API:Generative AI


  • Translate text content automatically. It offers max character up to 8000 per request. It covers 10+ languages, which include English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and so on. Token supports both free and paid version respectively

  • For more details regarding API usage obligation & liability, please read Legal Terms of Service & Condition


  • Translate text content automatically
  • It offers max character up to 8000 per request
  • It covers 10+ languages, which include English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and so on
  • Token supports both free and paid version respectively

API Endpoint Specifications

  • Endpoint Path: /api/3/content-translator
  • Type of Data: JSON & 2/minute
  • Data Source: BUYFROMLO
  • Request Limit: 500 request/month
  • Script & Integration: Code to integrate with cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, Typescript
AI Content Translator API Endpoint Basic Info

API Endpoint Path


AI Content Translator API


Call Method



Type of Data Return


Output structured JSON data on translated content

Available API Arguments & Parameters



BUYFROMLO API token. Free and paid subscription API are available: /api/1/content-translator, and accessible to on-site APP on /app/1/content-translator as well



Submit the original English content with html elements in string



Input the content title in string



Enter a short description of content in string



Input the target language in string. Current available options: japanese, russian, chinese, french

AI Content Translator API


Code Integration and Response

Python Code Sample

import requests

apiendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/3/content-translator"

## Required Arguments & Parameters ##

token = "your buyfromlo token"
originalContent = ""
title = ""
description = ""

## Optional ##
language = "language"

headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}

## Call the api ##
response = requests.post(
            "title": title,
            "description": description,
            "language": language
        }, headers=headers

JSON Response Sample

    ["Translated Content in List data type"],
        "Description Translated by BFL AI":"",
        "Headline Translated by BFL AI": ""

4.5 (Overall)

  • 5 stars - 38
  • 4 stars - 10
  • 3 stars - 3
  • 2 stars - 1
  • 1 star - 0

Latest Reviews


The AI Content Translator API is designed to assist in multilingual communication by enabling the automatic translation of text content across multiple languages.

The AI Content Translator API supports a maximum of 2000 characters per translation request.

The API supports a wide range of languages, including English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, among others.

Yes, the AI Content Translator API offers both free and paid subscription options to cater to different user needs.

The API offers integration through a variety of platforms, including cURL, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, and TypeScript.

You can obtain a BUYFROMLO API token by visiting the BUYFROMLO website.

The free version of the API allows for a limited number of requests per month, while the paid version offers a higher request limit and additional features.

Yes, the API's functionality is accessible through an on-site app, available at the specified URL.

You can find the code snippets for integrating the API with various platforms on the BUYFROMLO website.

Data submission is preferred in JSON format, and the API accepts a maximum of 2 requests per minute.