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AI Google Ads Copy Generator API

API:Generative AI


  • AI Google responsive ads copy generator automatically provide you the most optimal ads headline, description and sitelink snippet copy for your business website which integrates with multi LLM fine-tuned modules. Users can either input a website URL or a bulk of raw content materials to generate metatag title, descriptsion, sitelinks. Modules can anchor SERP competitors' ads copy using the similar set of keywords and create your set that can stand out. The module can automatically detect the limit characters of title and description in search and shopping respectively

  • For more details regarding API usage obligation & liability, please read Legal Terms of Service & Condition

API Practical Application Showcase 1

AI Google Ads Copy Generator API


  • AI Google responsive ads copy generator automatically provide you the most optimal ads headline, description and sitelink snippet copy for your business which integrates with multi LLM fine-tuned modules (Gemini, Llama, Claude, GPT, Palm, etc).
  • Users can either input a website URL or a bulk of raw content materials to generate metatag title, descriptsion, sitelinks.
  • Modules can anchor SERP competitors' ads copy using the similar set of keywords and create your set that can stand out.
  • The module can automatically detect the limit characters of title and description in search and shopping respectively

API Endpoint Specifications

  • Endpoint Path: /api/3/googleCopy
  • Type of Data: JSON & 2/minute
  • Data Source: BUYFROMLO, Gemini, Llama, Palm, Claude, OpenAI
  • Request Limit: 100,000 tokens/month (Approximate 73,000 English words)
  • Script & Integration: Code to integrate with cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, Typescript
AI Google Ads Copy Generator API Endpoint Basic Info

API Endpoint Path


AI Google Advertising Copy Generator API


Call Method



Type of Data Return


Output structured JSON data on AI Google Ads copy

Available API Arguments & Parameters



BUYFROMLO API token. Paid subscription API is available: /api/3/googleCopy, and accessible to on-site APP on /app/3/googleCopy as well



Enter the raw content or landing URL for AI writing. Max.content character ceiling is 2,000



Input the language iso-code, Currently API provides 4 language, which are en, ja, zh-cn, zh-tw. The default language is en



Enter the responsive ads format, such as sitelinks, mainbody. The default value is mainbody



Free trial API is required to input a LLM api key. Current available model for free trial account is OpenAI.

AI Google Advertising Copy Generator API


Code Integration and Response

Python Code Sample

import requests

apiendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/3/seo-metatag"

## Required Arguments & Parameters ##

originalContent = "raw content materials or context for reference"
referenceContent = "reference content and context briefling"
brandname = "your brand name"
purpose = "Select one from three options: generative search (google, bing), google shopping, and Amazon"

data={"referenceContent": hashtag, "brandname": brandname, "purpose": purpose}
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}

## Call the api ##
response = requests.post(apiendpoint, json=data, headers= headers)

JSON Response Sample

    "SEO meta title": " " (string)
    "SEO meta description": " " (string)

4.5 (Overall)

  • 5 stars - 38
  • 4 stars - 10
  • 3 stars - 3
  • 2 stars - 1
  • 1 star - 0

Latest Reviews


This AI-powered tool generates optimized headlines, descriptions, and sitelinks for your Google Ads, improving your campaign effectiveness and saving you time.

It leverages multiple fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) and analyzes competitors' ads to create unique and high-performing copy.

You can either provide your website URL for automatic content extraction or directly input your raw marketing materials.

The AI is trained on Google Ads' character limits, ensuring your headlines and descriptions are always compliant and optimized for display.

Yes, the tool analyzes your competitors' ads based on your keywords and generates copy designed to stand out and attract more clicks.

The API offers flexible integration options, supporting popular languages like cURL, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, and TypeScript.

It integrates with various LLMs such as BUYFROMLO, Gemini, Llama, Palm, Claude, and OpenAI, to generate high-quality and engaging ad copy.

The AI Google Ads Copy Generator gathers data from reputable sources like BUYFROMLO, Gemini, Llama, Palm, Claude, and OpenAI, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

The API allows up to 100,000 tokens per month, which translates to approximately 73,000 English words, providing ample usage for most businesses.

Detailed information about API usage obligations and liabilities can be found in the Legal Terms of Service & Condition.