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Google Cloud: The Future of Gaming is in the Cloud



  • Google Cloud: Getting Started with Gaming on Cloud Spanner This self-paced lab takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab, you will implement a player profile service and a game matchmaking service to work with Cloud Spanner.

  • Learn how to use Cloud Spanner for gaming Cloud Spanner is a fully managed, scalable, relational database service that offers strong consistency and high availability. It is ideal for gaming applications that require real-time data and low latency.

  • Build a player profile service In this lab, you will build a player profile service that stores player data such as name, email address, and game preferences. You will also learn how to use Cloud Spanner's secondary indexes to quickly and efficiently query player data.

  • Build a game matchmaking service In this lab, you will build a game matchmaking service that matches players with each other based on their game preferences. You will also learn how to use Cloud Spanner's transactions to ensure that matchmaking is fair and consistent.

  • Deploy your services to production In this lab, you will learn how to deploy your player profile service and game matchmaking service to production. You will also learn how to use Cloud Spanner's built-in monitoring and logging features to track the performance of your services.

  • Get started with gaming on Cloud Spanner today This lab is a great way to get started with gaming on Cloud Spanner. By following the steps in this lab, you will learn how to build a player profile service and a game matchmaking service that can be used in your own gaming applications.