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University of Colorado Boulder Technology Entrepreneurship Specialization



  • This specialization will teach you the knowledge, skills, and methods needed to create and launch a new technology company.

  • This specialization is of interest to learners who have always wanted to start a technology business, are interested in joining a technology startup company, are tired of working at traditional jobs and making money for other people, and want to learn more about entrepreneurship.

  • The Technology Entrepreneurship specialization can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (ME-EM) degree offered on the Coursera platform.

  • This specialization will empower learners with the knowledge, skills, and methods needed to create and launch a new technology company and to successfully compete in this new paradigm.

  • In this new paradigm, founders, partners, and critical startup resources may be accessed and acquired anywhere anytime.

  • New technologies can be readily deployed to customers, markets, and distribution channels across the globe with the same infrastructure and underlying entrepreneurial principles and practices.