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University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods



  • Learn from the experts: In this course, you'll learn from Dr. Angela Duckworth and Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft, two of the world's leading experts on positive psychology.

  • Discover how to apply research methods to your study of positive psychology: Through an exploration of their work True Grit and interviews with researchers and practitioners, you'll develop a research hypothesis and learn how to understand the difference between internal and external validity.

  • Understand and apply the strengths and weaknesses associated with different types of measurements and evaluation designs: You'll then learn about the different types of measurements and evaluation designs that are used in positive psychology research, and you'll be able to apply this knowledge to your own research projects.

  • Interpret the results of an empirical study: You'll then interpret the results of an empirical study, and you'll learn how to communicate your findings to others.

  • Suggested prerequisites: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science and Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions: This course is designed for students who have already taken Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science and Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions.

  • Learn at your own pace: This course is self-paced, so you can learn at your own speed.