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Vector Embeddings API



  • Generate embedding array vector data from input content. Max character is up to 10000 with 768 dimension output. It offers 4 languages which include English, Japanese, Russian and French. Paid API token can access to BuyfromLo onsite app, meanwhile API returns the data in JSON form.

  • For more details regarding API usage obligation & liability, please read Legal Terms of Service & Condition


  • Generate embedding array vector data from input content
  • Max character is up to 2000
  • It offers 4 languages which include English, Japanese, Russian and French
  • Paid API token can access to BuyfromLo onsite app, meanwhile API returns the data in JSON form

API Endpoint Specifications

  • Endpoint Path: /api/3/embedding-generator
  • Type of Data: JSON & 2/minute
  • Data Source: BUYFROMLO
  • Request Limit: 100,000 tokens/month (Approximate 73,000 English words)
  • Script & Integration: Code to integrate with cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, Typescript
Vector Embeddings API Endpoint Basic Info

API Endpoint Path


Embedding Vector API


Call Method



Type of Data Return


Output structured JSON data on Vector embedding

Available API Arguments & Parameters



BUYFROMLO API token. Paid subscription API is available: /api/3/embedding-generator, and accessible to on-site APP on /app/3/embedding-generator as well



Submit the original English content with ;: to separate each unique content piece. It's up to 20 pieces per request and total characters are up to 10000



Input a language iso code. Default is en

Embedding Vector API


Code Integration and Response

Python Code Sample

import requests

apiendpoint = "https://api.buyfromlo.com/api/3/embedding-generator"

## Required Arguments & Parameters ##

token = "your buyfromlo token"
originalContent = "original piece of English content pieces separated by ;:"

language = "input a language. Default is en"

headers={""Authorization"": ""Bearer "" + token}

## Call the api ##
response = requests.post(
           "language": language
        }, headers=headers

JSON Response Sample

embedding list

4.5 (Overall)

  • 5 stars - 38
  • 4 stars - 10
  • 3 stars - 3
  • 2 stars - 1
  • 1 star - 0

Latest Reviews


The maximum input length for the Vector Embeddings API is 10,000 characters.

The Vector Embeddings API supports English, Japanese, Russian, and French.

The Vector Embeddings API returns data in JSON format.

The BuyfromLo onsite app can be accessed with a paid API token.

The rate limit for the Vector Embeddings API is 100,000 tokens per month, which is approximately 73,000 English words.

The embedding vectors have 768 dimensions.

Details regarding API usage obligations and liability can be found in the Legal Terms of Service & Condition.

The Vector Embeddings API generates embedding array vector data from input content.

The provided integration code supports various languages including cURL, JS, Python, Ruby, Php, Node.js, Java, .NET, Rust, Go, and Typescript.

The data used by the Vector Embeddings API is sourced from BUYFROMLO.